For tough and glamorous Private Investigator, Jenna Preston, murder in The Hamptons is becoming all too common, especially with so...
The second book in the "Dying to be Beautiful" mystery series, "Fashion Queen," begins with another murder on Eastern Long...
"Dying To Be Beautiful," is about the billion-dollar world of beauty. The mystery series takes place in The Hamptons, where...
A clever, intriguing, and gripping new cozy mystery filled with exciting twists and turns, bizarre murders, and fascinating characters, including...
This memoir workbook demonstrates the importance of writing your story; it also gives you the tools and guidance you need...
The mysteries are malicious. The recipes are delicious. John Klopfenstein, Criminal Defense Attorney, Carmel/Salinas, California. The Gourmet Gangster is a...
When an alarm goes off at the Skyline Vista Condos, a posh high-rise building for the active and engaging senior...
Why was the man in seat 4-A murdered? The Las Vegas sheriff is not happy to have Dick and Dora...
Once we had arrived in the Hamptons, settled in and I felt comfortable, I began to add small amounts of...
For those starting, growing and operating businesses, The Woman's Business Therapist is the right book at the right time.